Shot Blasting Service
Abrasive blasting or shot blasting is a method of preparing surfaces prior to coating or painting. Blast media and blasting abrasives are used to provide surface texturing and preparation, etching, finishing, and de-greasing. Shot blasting is a method used to clean or polish metal and is typically done in a blast room.
Shot Blasting
Cast steel shot or steel grit is used to clean and prepare the surface before coating. Shot blasting recycles the media and is environmentally friendly.
Shot blasting is used in almost every industry, it is a highly efficient preparation for nearly all metal items including aerospace, automotive, construction, foundry, shipbuilding, rail, I-beams, angles, pipes, tubes and large fabricated pieces.
Different powder coating and wet painting applications usually require methods of preparation such as shot blasting prior to coating.
We can provide shot blasting to remove dirt, corrosion and old paint finishes and ensure that your product is clean and ready for painting or powder coating.
We can also arrange direct collection and delivery if required with our drop side vehicle 4mtr long x 2 mtr wide bed with a weight limit of 1.2 ton.